The LPS of London team boasts a group of talented and dedicated individuals. Let’s meet them…

President (Ruva)Being part of a community is one thing but being able to influence what happens amongst our community is another. I originally joined the committee (some 15+ years ago) to try and encourage our younger members to integrate into our samaj and be forthcoming with fresh ideas for what they want. Now that I am president my goal doesn’t change however I hope to be able to do more than ever before to ensure we have a samaj for generations to come. I will continue to serve our community and I am very excited to be part of a team who still respects our heritage, culture and traditional values, yet appreciates and accepts that we are living in an ever changing modern society.

Vice President (Pinsad)The LPS Samaj has played an important part in my upbringing. I was introduced from an early age to the benefits of our samaj, from the social events, sports and generally supporting one another. Having served on the committee as Vice Secretary, I have now taken on the role of Vice President with a goal of creating a samaj for all whilst having fun and making great memories along the way. I hope to encourage my children and others to develop community spirit whilst also making lifelong friends.

Secretary (Bhutsad)The reason I joined the samaj was to embrace the youth in wanting to show myself as a role model to them and someone they could look up to especially within our community. Taking up such a high role in the Samaj made me more determined to illustrate my passion for success and to show what skills I can bring to the table in order to bring what is already a brilliant Samaj even further forward going into the future. I hope my enthusiasm will also encourage more younger members like me to join our amazing committee and show our generation anything is possible as long as you have the determination to show what you can achieve. I look forward to working with a brilliant team and continuing to make our Samaj better forever going forward.

Membership Secretary (Sevni)Aswell as being part of the Secretary Team I have helped intensively on the 2021 UK Directory project working alongside the membership team. In 2022 I decided it was time for me to formally move to the Membership Team as I already had a vast amount of knowledge on our database and its members. I hope to be a good link between our samaj members and the committee. My vision is to see our membership grow with more LPS London members across all ages.

Vice Membership Secretary (Wadhvania)I have worked with the Samaj committee previously as a vice treasurer and trustee. Due to family commitment I had to step back and now that I have got time decided to come back and support our young committee and give something back. Looking forward to working with the new committee.

Trustee (Pera)Whilst being a governor in my childrens’ school I enjoy being part of an organisation that focuses on getting families together at key calendar dates with values around tradition, health, sport, culture and identity in mind which are very important to continue. I have always thought it is important to respect and maintain our cultural heritage, and hope my efforts will help our Samaj Community.

Trustee (Ruva)Thank you for electing me as a trustee. You may know me from my previous role on the committee and as Vice President. As a new trustee I hope to carry on the good work of the previous trustees and support the new committee as best as I can. Hope to see you all soon at one of our functions.

Trustee (Sisodra-Arak)Been on committee in various roles for 10 years. Joined because each time I attended an event I knew very few people and found it boring, and also to make a difference. Also wanted as a newly wed person to know more persons in the samaj to enable my wife and I to keep our feet within the culture. Final reason is to enable our children to understand this culture.

Trustee (Amanpore)The Samaj has always been an important part of my life. Our community spirit provides us a great way to celebrate our religion and for me personally a great way to connect with friends and family. I joined the committee to represent my generation and to encourage many of a similar age to actively participate. I also hope to inspire the next generations, including my own two sons, to enjoy and participate in Samaj life.

Trustee (Nizar)I joined the Samaj a few years ago as a way for my family and I to connect and learn about our culture and traditions. The Samaj is an extended family who provide support and guidance whilst having fun along the way. Being a committee member is a great way for me to give back to the community. It is up to us to define and provide an identity for our children. They are our legacy.

Committee Member (Sevni)The skills, contacts and friends I have gained have been extensive and impact has been far-reaching, both for me but also others in the LPSoL. By giving back to a cause you are part of and care about is something I encourage for every human being. It gives a great level of personal and business/professional growth. LPSoL is your birthright and chance to do that.

Committee Member (Moti Chovisi)I take part in the Samaj committee work as this is my way of giving back to the community and this will encourage my children and youngsters to continue to strive to make their own Samaj the best of its kind and to take it forward. Always remembering our roots and where we came from.

Committee Member (Khaparia)I reached out to the LPSoL committee in 2011 when I noticed our online presence needed some much needed attention. In doing so, I've met a great bunch of people and have been involved in many projects since.

Committee Member (Chikhli-Dungar)I joined the Samaj to encourage freethinking, offer inspiration and provide support for the young members of our community. We have all the contacts and resources we need within our community and would like to spread this so our members feel they always have a go to guide.

Committee Member (Mori)Profile coming soon.

Committee Member (Derod)Like Gandhiji said “be the change you wish to see in the world”. I would love to see my children helping and supporting our community, making this foreign country of ours truly a home and a better place to live. I attended the last AGM meeting and saw our committee members doing exciting work, and was inspired by them to join the committee.

Committee Member (Bajipura)I originally joined the committee to help out at functions and the committee was always asking for help at events. I served as the Treasurer for a few years after I stepped down from my role to be a committee member. It’s great to get my family involved in Samaj functions. I wanted my children to know what the Samaj was about. I left for a year or so because of my daughter’s wedding and re-joined as I believe the more the committee members there are, the better it is when it comes to arranging events as it spreads the workload easing the pressure on the rest of the Team. It also gives me great satisfaction when an events comes together.

Committee Member (Chikhli – Dungar)I am delighted to able to serve our community through the LPSOL. I feel it is important that we provide a legacy (Devki) for our future generations and that we learn from and take the best from the new mother (Yashoda), so that our future generations can take pride in their heritage and our ancestors feel proud of what their future generations achieve. Let’s move from strength to strength….

Committee Member (Bhutsad)Since I’ve joined the committee I made so many new friends and its great to help out wherever I’m needed. I would like to take the samaj forward by having everyone stay together and keep it going for many years to come. What inspired me to join this samaj and become a samaj member was the fact that I wanted to get to know the members properly and voice out my opinions.

Committee Member (Ruva)I have been on the committee for approx 5 years now. The experience has been amazing getting to meet new people and as a committee we are more like a family. I enjoy organising events and being praised by others when its successful. If we can get more people to join our committee, we can look forward to bigger and better event.

Committee Member (Mori)I joined as a committee member to support and help the Samaj that I grew up around since it was first formed in the early 80’s. I am a very people person and really enjoy meeting people. I love being a part of a team, supporting and getting involved in organising events. I believe in the benefits that being a part of a community can bring to all ages. My vision is to encourage our younger members to integrate into the samaj and respecting our elders, our heritage and culture. Looking forward to having lots of fun with you all on the way.

Committee Member (Kharad-Chhitra)I have been a lifelong member of the LPSoL since it started in the early 80’s. I have served on the Milaap Multicultural Day Centre’s committee for over 6 years, this being an elders group in my local area. I would like to now dedicate some time to help support our samaj community moving forward. It is an honour to be part of the committee.

Committee Member (Toli)In a world where people are becoming more and more independant, the samaj provides an new opportunity to regular meet new people socialise network and grow together as a community. I joined to support and encourage the next generation to get involved and learn as they become part of this extended family.

Committee Member (Toli)I look forward to working with an enthusiastic team and to get more involved in cultural and social events. As a samaj we should drive to deliver the best possible for all ages, encourage the younger generation to get more involved and to keep unity.

Committee Member (Bajipura)The Samaj is moving forward with its aspirations, to ensure our Hindu roots and traditions are not lost, but being adapted to get the youth to participate, while still catering for the older generation. I truly wish to see a cross participation of events covering all generations, to bring members together to celebrate the values that London Samaj are looking to uphold.

Committee Member (Tarbhon)My late Father was a active member of the London Samaj, and since my mother passed away a few years ago. It will be a tribute to them for me to join and serve. Held a post of Non-exec Director of a UK Charity, and Trustee of Harrow Carers for many years. As a Ex IBM Project Delivery Manager, I hope to be able to add value to Samaj and have been asked to be the UK Compliance Officer for the whole of the UK Samaj, and therefore it would seem appropriate to join as a committee member.

Committee Member (Sarai)After much deliberation and discussion with Jayesh (who also joined the committee) we decided to join together as we felt that two heads would be better than one. Having seen my dad (Dilipbhai) work on the committee for many years and now a Trustee, I thought it was now my turn to help and give back to the Samaj. Even though I have a young family, work and other commitments I thought the time was right to join so I can help maintain the future of our Samaj which my children can be a part of.

Committee Member (Pata-Pardi)I have been a longstanding member of the Samaj, and was part of the committee when the LPSoL first started. I feel extremely happy helpping others within our community and it is something I wish to carry on with.

Committee Member (Sisodra-Arak)I've joined the samaj committee again after taking a break. To be honest I wasn’t expecting to join back again, but decided that if I don't do it now, I’ll probably always find excuses not to. The reason it’s important to me to find time to be involved is because i believe in the benefits that being a part of a community can bring. Not only for me and my children, but on the whole for the mental health of everyone involved. Socialising and spending time with family and friends is so important especially in our 'busy' lifestyles. Helping the committee organise events to bring people together brings me a sense of community and purpose that is hard to find elsewhere.

Committee Member (Vihan)I am proud to be involved in the safeguarding of our cultural values within the new generations of British Gujaratis. My role on the Committee also forces me not to forget the tight-knit network into which I have woven my life, and keep in touch with those who have helped me, over the years, become the person that I am today.

Committee MemberFrom a young age, our Samaj has always been a key part of my life. As a mum of 2 young girls, I am keen to support in continuing to keep our Samaj community and cultures embedded in younger generations to come.

Committee MemberProfile coming soon.

Committee MemberProfile coming soon.

Committee MemberProfile coming soon.